Toffee the Japanese Akita Inu

Page 13

Toffee The Akita Dog's Days out in the Pub: A Life in Pictures

This Akita loves going to the pub. I am well known in many of the pubs and bars in Wallasey and New Brighton and all the people are very friendly and I have lots of doggie friends as well. I mostly go to the pub with my friend Sultan, but there's also Roxy and Bella and Hatch and Bee the Beagle and Paris and Floyd and so many more. And what's even better, everyone wants to feed me. It's just so dog friendly here.

Toffee and Sultan Magazine pub treat time 1 Toffee and Sultan Magazine pub treat time 2

This is me and Sultan together in the Magazine Pub in New Brighton just off the promenade. Is it my turn for a treat next?

Toffee and Sultan in the Railway pub New Brighton 1 Toffee and Sultan in the Railway pub New Brighton 2

This is me and Sultan together at the Railway pub in New Brighton (now the James Atherton Pub).

Toffee the akita Sultan at the Stanley's Cask

This is myself and Sultan sharing a nice cold bowl of water in the Stanley's Cask pub on Rake Lane in Wallasey.

Toffee the Akita and Sultan at the Stanley's Cask top to tail

This is myself and Sultan top-to-tail in the Stanley's Cask pub on Rake Lane in Wallasey.

Toffee the Akita at the Pilot Boat pub

This is me having a relaxing lay down in the beer garden of the Pilot Boat pub in New Brighton just off the promenade. I'm looking after my own lead today.

© Toffee the Japanese Akita 2020