Toffee the Japanese Akita Inu

Page 5

Toffee The Akita Dog's Holidays - Edale 2: A Life in Pictures

Here are some of our dogtastic adventures when this Akita went on holiday in the Peak District.

Toffee the Akita Fairy cottage Edale inside

This is me and Daddy inside our cottage in Edale and Daddy is being silly.

Toffee the Akita Fairy cottage Edale inside 2

This is me having a relaxing holiday afternoon but I'm keeping my eye on the door just in case its time to go for a walk.

Toffee the Akita Edale bridge Toffee the Akita Edale bridge together

This was a very narrow bridge indeed and my big Akita bottom almost wouldn't fit through.

Toffee the Akita walk in Edale

We're going to walk a long day and everything I smell and hear is going to be completely new. This is so exciting.


I can definitely smell something interesting.

Edale Scenery 1 Fairy Scenery 2

I just want to keep walking forever.

Hope music festival 2014 Hope music festival dogs 1 Hope music festival dogs 2

After a long long walk we found ourselves in the village of Hope where there was a music festival and I met lots of new friends.

© Toffee the Japanese Akita 2020