Toffee the Japanese Akita Inu

Page 32

Toffee The Akita Dog's Friends - Sultan 3: A Life in Pictures

I share everything with Sultan, including treats, water, strokes and we even sit paw in paw together.

Toffee the Japanese Akita with Sultan sharing water

Even when our big doggie heads almost won't fit in the bowl we still share a drink together.

Toffee the Japanese Akita with Sultan sharing a treat Toffee the Japanese Akita with Sultan sharing a treat 2

Is it my turn yet?

Toffee the Japanese Akita and Sultan paw in paw

Toffee the Japanese Akita and Sultan paw in paw 2

We often sit paw in paw.1

1Toffee wasn't very keen on having her front paws touched so the fact that she allowed Sultan to share this intimacy with her is a real testimony to their friendship.

© Toffee the Japanese Akita 2020