Toffee the Japanese Akita Inu

Page 33

Toffee The Akita Dog's Friends - Fuggles: A Life in Pictures

When we still lived in Leeds I went on lots of walks with my friend and neighbour Fuggles. Fuggles was still very much a puppy and had tones of energy and always wanted to play, whereas I'm a rather laid back dog and sometimes I just want to sleep. Fuggles would paw my face all day long trying to get me to play with him.

Toffee the Japanese Akita with Fuggles Toffee the Japanese Akita with Fuggles back to back

Fuggles came over to stay for an afternoon and we played lookout together. I didn't quite get the hang of this game because I'm facing the wrong way.

Toffee the Japanese Akita with Fuggles deely boppers

Fuggles is always getting into trouble and here he gets caught eating my deely boppers.

Fuggles with Brush

Not only is Fuggles as daft as a brush, he also made friends with this brush.

© Toffee the Japanese Akita 2020