Toffee the Japanese Akita Inu

Page 38

Toffee The Akita Dog's Accident: A Life in Pictures

Us husky type dogs, including Japanese Akita's like myself, love to spin around. I've spun around all my life when I get excited. Unfortunately though in September 2018 I got excited and when I went into a spin I slipped and I hurt my hip.

Toffee the Japanese Akita waiting for pet taxi

It was raining and I had to have a towel put over me and an umbrella too to keep me dry while we waited for the pet taxi to take me to the vets. I was in pain but I wasn't worried as I've always been able to rely on humans to help me out when I get in trouble.

So before we went to the vets I had to be carried in a duvet cover to the car. I'm a heavy bear and it took two people to lift me. Once we were there the nice vet checked me over and gave me some medication for the pain.

I was back on my feet in a few days but from then on I had to take things much slower. I'd already had to have medication and acupuncture1 to keep my joints going, but now I really had to take things easy. I could still go on all my walks and meet all my friends in the Stanleys Cask and Telegraph pubs, but we just didn't rush to get anywhere. I'm an old dog now and I can't be running around like I used to do.

Daddy bought me a huge orthopedic bed after the accident but I was never too keen on using it and preferred my old beds. Anyway, life was still good and I had many more adventures to come.

1I want to say a big hello here to my vet Sarah. I never wanted to come and see you and I would try as hard as I could not to go to the vets. But, when I got there it was always alright and never so bad as I imagined. I'd get on the scales to be weighed and then go in for all the needles to go in. My acupuncture helped a lot in keeping me going.

© Toffee the Japanese Akita 2020