Toffee the Japanese Akita Inu

Page 17

Toffee The Akita Dog Play Time - Dog Toys: A Life in Pictures

I have so many awesome dog toys that there's just too many to count. But I love them all and I really enjoy going over to my toys and spending some time finding the right one to play with.1

Toffee the Japanese Akita messy dog toys

Sometimes, finding the right dog toy takes me quite a while and I make a bit of a mess.

Toffee the Japanese Akita garden with toys

Sometimes I even take my doggie toys out in the garden.

Toffee the Japanese Akita hugging toys

It's great to have so many toys.2

Toffee the Japanese Akita puppy dog toys

I even have my own puppy dog toy.

Toffee the Japanese Akita Mr Piggy dog toy

I also have outdoor dog toys such as Mr Piggy. Mr Piggy sometimes keeps me company on lookout duty.

Toffee the Japanese Akita dog toys tidied

It doesn't matter how much I throw my toys around the room, they alway miraculously end up back where they belong.

1Toffee loved all of her toys and she was usually quite gentle with them. She especially liked squeaky toys when she needed to get my attention or to remind me that it was time to go for a walk. She had an almost perfect body clock and she knew to within a few minutes when there should be food in her dish and when it was walk time. If we were late then out came the squeaky toys. Since Akita's don't really bark, this was her way of making a big noise.

2You might notice that there's a ball in this photo. Akita's are renowned for their lack of interest in playing fetch and Toffee was no exception. Throwing a ball for her might hold her interest for all of thirty seconds before she found something more interesting to do. If you have ever seen the Richard Gere movie about the Japanese Akita Inu Hachi then you'll know just what I mean.

© Toffee the Japanese Akita 2020