Toffee the Japanese Akita Inu

Page 20

Toffee The Akita Dog Brushes and Grooming

Us Akita dogs require a lot of brushing and we moult a lot of our fur three and even four times a year sometimes. Personally, I like having my back brushed and I like having my head brushed, but I don't like it so much when Daddy tries to brush my legs and backside.1

Toffee the Japanese Akita brushing indoors Toffee the Japanese Akita fur ball

I think its quite funny that I need a lot of brushing.

Toffee the Japanese Akita Brushing outside Toffee the Japanese Akita brushing outside 2

Here I am being brushed on Vale Park. I look so neat and tidy.

Toffee the Japanese Akita Trump wig

I don't think its quite so funny when Daddy makes a Donald Trump wig out of my fur.

1 Toffee moulted once a year for twelve months at a time.

© Toffee the Japanese Akita 2020